Thursday, December 31, 2009

The New Van

I promise to post some better photos once we can get outside without the rain and take some interior shots and a side view - but the new ride was purchased last night. We love it and know it will come in handy when the twins arrive! Christmas photos and family photos to follow soon...maybe via snapfish since we took a few!

Happy New Year to everyone!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

O' Christmas Tree

We picked one out tonight after a very long week - it's nice to have some Christmas cheer in the house.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Ultrasound photos

Our girl is on top, with the B on the left side. I think you can see her profile pretty well from this photo (the top of her head is on the left). The top of the boy's head is on the right (second photo). It's a little harder to see that profile but you can see that he has his mouth wide open and you can barely see his hand going in...

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Jingle Bell Scare

One minute, Nicholas was happily jingling the jingle bell and the next, he was showing me how snuggly it fit around his index finger. It was so tight, that we weren't able to just pull it off - not even with a little bit of vaseline. So, Tony had to get some tools. At first, Nicholas wasn't too bothered by it but after a little bit of effort on Tony's part - Nicholas began to realize he couldn't get his finger back right away and he started to cry. Once the bell was successfully cut away from the finger and some smarties were dished out - the world was a better place again.