Monday, April 27, 2009

A new Title for "daddy"

Tony made MASTER CHIEF!!!!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

The first blooms - thanks, mom

The Bearded Iris plant bulbs that Grandma gave us a few years ago are seeming to love their new location on the deck. Here are a couple of shots of what we get to enjoy from our kitchen window or while on the deck...

Monday, April 20, 2009

Why I love garage sales...

I have been hunting garage sales for over a month now and I finally found what I had been looking for last Saturday...

Retail: 129.00
Garage Sale Price: 50.00
Nic's smile when he goes down the slide: Priceless

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Lovin' the warmth

Today was the first day that it has been warm enough to put Nicholas in shorts. Thanks to Grandma Clark, we had the perfect outfit for him...we also attended our friend Matt's 40th birthday party over the weekend. I painted the board that you see in the post as one of his "gifts." His wife themed the party as "80's Hairband Rock." Tony was able to grab some stuff out of the closet that he used to actually wear in high, how things have changed. Enjoy the pics...