Monday, March 31, 2008

Party Time!

What a great weekend! Aunt Mary and Uncle Jay hosted an excellent weekend gathering so that Nicholas could meet family and friends - some he's met before and some he was meeting for the first time. As always, they did an amazing job and we had a GREAT time.

We were thrilled that we could see so many of our family and friends in one spot. We appreciate that everyone was willing and able to travel to the event. Uncle Joe, Aunt Marie and Orion made the trek from CT and represented Tony's side of the family. We know that there were some who wanted to be there but weren't able to make it...those people were definitely with us in our thoughts.

We had some great party favors and fun decorations (notice the Italian onesies hanging) - Aunt Terry and Aunt Allison made sure that Nicholas showed off his Italian side! Also, check out the basket full of "Here he Is" Hershey bars and "It's a boy cigars."

There was a lot to celebrate this particular weekend. Mom (aka, Grandma, Oma, Kathy, Aunt Kathy...) celebrated her 39th birthday (*wink, wink*). We got to have Sunday brunch with her at the White Dog Cafe in Philadelphia (YUM!). It was Nicholas' first restaurant experience and he did great!

We also heard the exciting news from cousin Billy who became engaged to Jessica (CONGRATS!).

As always, Nicholas was spoiled with wonderful gifts. He's certainly part of a loving and generous family. He's a lucky boy (as are his mom and dad!!!).

There are so many photos from the weekend which I will post on snapfish. Thank you to everyone who made this such a special trip for us. It will certainly be a great memory to keep.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

One reason...

There are lots of things to like about Nicholas' daycare provider, Deanna. One of them is that she gets Nicholas involved in a lot of activities - like swinging outside on a beautiful spring day!

It's a relief to have someone so wonderful watching over our little man while we are away at the office.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Big boy - sitting up!

Nicholas gave us a big surprise tonight. If you look through the blog, you'll see Nicholas laying back in his boppy pillow. Tonight, when propped up a bit on that same pillow, he began to sit up on his own. He stayed up for a few seconds before falling forward..or sideways. Of course, he couldn't get back up but when we helped reposition him, he gave a big smile.

He did this several times, so it wasn't just a fluke! You should have seen the effect on his proud parents who ooooohed and ahhhhhed. =)

Happy Easter, everyone!

We're planning a low key Easter at home today. Nicholas did get some goodies from the Easter bunny. Here are some shots from the morning!

Nicholas before the "loot" and after....

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Chick Magnet

Around Easter, I suppose it's good to be a "chick magnet!"

Tony would say, "Like father, like son!"

Of course, sometimes being a "chick magnet" is a lot of pressure...

Friday, March 14, 2008

It's almost time...

Although Spring and St. Patrick's Day are not quite here yet, we took advantage of this 73 degree March day to start celebrating! We took a nice walk to the corner of our street where the Association has done a great job of planting flowers. Nicholas loves to be outside and enjoys his stroller.
Thanks, Aunt Allison, for the St. Patrick's Day outfit! Nicholas only had it on long enough for the photo op...he plans to wear it again on Monday! After all, he IS a quarter Irish...(he's also a quarter German, a quarter Italian and a quarter Lithuanian)!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Another month goes by

I got the idea to take a picture of Nicholas on the same day of each month for the first 12 months from a magazine. It's a good way to see just how much he changes as he grows.

The picture on the green blanket is Nicholas on February 8th and the other shot is him on March 8th.

We had a great weekend. We took Nicholas on his first road trip to visit Tom and Kristel in their new home. Nicholas did great in the car (slept most of the way) and enjoyed spending time with our good friends.

When we returned on Sunday, we only had to wait an hour for Grandma and Grandpa Clark to arrive for a quick overnight visit. Nicholas was in a great mood and provided lots of smiles and conversation during the visit.

So far, Nicholas has adjusted well to the new hours of daylight's a little tougher on his mom and dad ;-)

Friday, March 7, 2008

Vaccination Day

Nicholas was a trooper today! He had to get 4 shots and take an oral vaccination. Daddy took him to the doctor and reported that he did really well.

Nicholas now weighs 14 pounds, 2 ounces and is 24 inches long!!! He is a big, strong, and healthy little man!

Monday, March 3, 2008

8 weeks old

Ahhh - time has flown. It seems like just yesterday that Tony and I were sleeping through the night, eating dinner together (or at least at the same time) and getting to watch an entire 30 minute sitcom without interruption (let alone finish it!) But, those days now seem long gone...

So, what is life like at 8 weeks old? I'll let Nicholas tell you...

My new favorite thing to do is have a good conversation with mommy or daddy...or anyone who will listen to me! Sometimes I have a lot to say. You should see the effects of my talking on mommy and daddy, it makes them make silly faces and talk funny, elongating syllables. I give them a big smile from time to time just to encourage them. It's funny how easy it is to amuse my parents! Maybe one day soon I'll throw in a giggle but I haven't done that yet! If the conversation is really good, I can stay awake for a long time - almost 2 hours!

I can't quite grab my favorite toys but if it gets put in my hand, I can hold onto it for a little while! I can even watch my toys if someone moves them side to side. I really love just hanging out in my boppy pillow (see photo).

I can't roll over yet but I can raise my head when I am on my tummy and you should see how well I hold my head up with I am sitting up! My mommy and daddy say I am not so wobbly anymore!

I can eat about 5 ounces at a time and I like to sleep between 3.5-4 hour stretches at night. My mommy and daddy wish I'd sleep longer but like my newest onesie says, "Don't wake me, I'll wake you!" I usually take a long nap in the afternoon.

Speaking of clothes, I saw mommy putting my 0-3 month outfits in bags to put in the attic. I am a big boy and I am starting to outgrow some things!

Lastly...I am starting to get the hang of that "I cry, they come" thing. It's great! I even do it when I just want a little hug...mommy and daddy fall for it EVERY time!

Saturday, March 1, 2008


Today, we had a visit with Stacy and Addison. Addison is 9 months old today! She loved hanging out with Nicholas.