Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Next time...

Next time you see Nicholas, ask him to give you "five." It's his latest thing and he's very consistent with it.

He's been getting around better and better each day. I would guess that his longest walking streak has been about 8 steps. In another couple of weeks, I am sure he'll have all the confidence needed to walk around the house!

As you can imagine, he's not much into sitting around...he likes to go go go.

He's also developed a strong affection for daycare and doesn't even want to go to daddy when it's time to go home. I think that is a good sign that we picked a great daycare provider!

(Oh, and daddy is still #1 at home!)

Monday, January 12, 2009

The photos of Nicholas's First Birthday Party...

1 Year Check-up

We all enjoyed Nicholas's first birthday party and are so thankful to all of our friends who were able to join us and to those of us who we know wanted to be there but could not. Nicholas is truly lucky to be so loved!

I will be posting photos soon, I promise - but just an update on Nicholas by the numbers...

Weight: 25lbs 10oz (85th percentile)
Height: 31"(84th percentile)
Head: 18.5" (68th percentile)

Seems like he is leveling out. Overall, he is happy and healthy and that's really all that matters to us! Since he discovered his ability to take a step, he has been seen taking 2-3 in a row. It won't be long before we'll be chasing him everywhere!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

The First Step!

As if turning 1 wasn't enough, Nicholas delighted Tony and I by taking his first step yesterday. We were all in the den, and Nicholas was cruising the coffee table as he often does. I was sitting about a foot and a half away, trying to convince him to come to me. He let go of the cofee table, took 1 full step and then fell into me.

I am so glad Tony and I were both there to see it happen. Every day brings something new and exciting!

And, just a blog maintenance note - I have some much better photos from Nicholas's first birthday but the site was not accepting the photos, so I'll probably just add them to snapfish at some point. (where does the time go???)

Looking forward to seeing many of you on Saturday!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Happy First Birthday Nicholas!

Mommy took the day off from work to spend it with her special guy (and try to get the house ready for company on Saturday for the party)...We took cupcakes to his daycare and the girls sang happy birthday. He didn't eat the whole cupcake - mommy had to help, of course. We're saving the part where he gets to feed himself for Saturday.

I can't believe how far we've come from a year ago today. Nicholas is a complete joy and we love him beyond words.

Happy Birthday, Nicholas!