Thursday, August 21, 2008




Friday, August 15, 2008


Nicholas is officially might not look pretty yet but Nicholas can get to where he wants to go! He must have been talking with his Uncles because he looks like he is doing an Army "belly crawl."

Of course, he now goes for all those things we had been intentionally keeping away from him! A fun new phase!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

A visit from another Uncle Mike and Aunt Jo

As I am posting this picture, I am remembering that Nicholas may have a time of it trying to get everyone in the family straight.

He has 2 Uncle Mikes and 2 Uncle Johns.

He has 1 Uncle Joe and 1 Aunt Jo.

He has an Aunt named Mary, 1 named Maria and 1 named Marie.

He also has 1 cousin named Orion, who is the son of Marie and 1 cousin named Ryan, who is the son of Maria.

This may take a while....

We enjoyed a visit from Tony's oldest brother, Mike and his wife Jo. It was TOO short but we appreciated that they made the drive from Baltimore where Jo was attending a work-related conference.

I think Nicholas really noticed the similarities between daddy and Uncle Mike.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Nicholas at 7 months

Nicholas has started to "scoot" a little. I wouldn't call it crawling YET - but, it's sure to happen soon. He has also become very strong and can hold himself up in a standing position with just a little bit of support. The paces of his changes is amazing!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

A few Photos from the past week

Nicholas enjoyed his first taste of Banana and Swieback toast this week. He has also begun to show a great deal of excitement over toys that he really likes - he'll giggle and flap his arms up and down. We caught a pretty funny picture when he was doing this which we now claim is his practice face for Halloween.

He's so much more interactive with everything around the house.

We think he may be cutting his top left tooth by the end of the week. It feels like it is just behind the gum.